What type of information is required to submit an application?

The online application has three sections or tabs; and each application field must be populated before the application can be submitted. The General Information Tab requires the applicant to enter, as well as select, responses. The Documentation Tab is where all required and/or supporting documentation (e.g. copy of a signed/dated W-9; copy of current DCF license; most recent federal tax return; current copies DCF Enrollment Forms; and a completed signed/dated Project Request Form) must be uploaded. The file upload sections are labeled; and please combine and upload your DCF Child Care Enrollment forms into a single document (versus uploading individual copies of each enrollment form). The Final Tab is where an applicant certifies or attests to the accuracy of the application materials; acknowledges and understands the grant program’s rule / regulations; and where the applicant officially submits the application.

Can I start-and-stop the application submittal process?

Yes; by Creating an Account, you will be able to complete the application at your leisure. Please note, all applicants are required to Create an Account.

Is there a deadline for making this application?

No; there isn’t a formal application deadline per se. However, since this grant program is funded by the American Rescue Plan Act (ARPA) – not from the County – funds need to be spent by no later than 12/31/2026. Pending funding availability, the application portal will remain open.

What’s the funding formula (i.e. how will the amount of my grant award be determined)?

Grant awards are determined by a monthly per child calculation, which varies depending on the licensure classification of a childcare provider. For Family Childcare Providers, the per child per month amount is $315; meanwhile, the rate for Group Childcare Providers and Day Camp is $100 per child, per month. These calculations are based on the residency status of a child’s parental unit or legal guardian. If the child is from a blended family or the parents are no long cohabitating, only one of the parental units or legal guardian needs to be a current Rock County resident for that child to be included in the funding calculation.

Am I required to submit a DCF Child Care Enrollment Form for each enrolled child?

Yes; if you want a child to be factored into your calculations, a completed Enrollment Form for that child must be uploaded with your application materials [NOTE: Please combine and upload your Enrollment Forms into a single PDF file].

Am I allowed to submit more than one funding application?

Yes; however, these applications must be consecutive versus concurrent (i.e. finish one, then reapply, etc.). A FCC provider may apply for up to a maximum of four consecutive and approved projects (not to exceed $120,960 per applicant); a GCC provider may apply for up to a maximum of two consecutive and approved projects (not to exceed $120,000 per applicant); and a DCC provider may apply for up to a maximum of four consecutive and approved projects (not to exceed $60,000 per applicant). If an applicant fails to successfully complete its initial project, it will be prohibited from requesting additional funding from this grant program.

If I am awarded funding from this program, is there a requirement to repay the County?

No; this is a grant, and no repayment is required. However, please note there are income tax obligations associated with receiving this funding. While each grant recipient will receive a completed Form 1099 G, it’s the grant recipient’s responsibility to review and disclose this information to its tax / accounting provider(s). Each grant recipient is required to submit a project report, for each project funded by this Childcare Grant program, within 30-days after a project has been completed.

How long will it take before I receive the grant funding?

Applications will be received and reviewed year-round; and funding notifications are expected to arrive in approximately three weeks after a completed application has been received. Generally, the release or disbursement schedule of this funding will be determined by whether the project is considered one-time versus on-going, as described within the applicant’s Project Request Form. In addition, the accuracy and completeness of both the  Project Expense Verification Form and the required post-project report(s) may impact the receipt of funding, as well.

Do I have to have an account with bill.com to receive my grant award?

Yes; each grant recipient will be required to register with bill.com. RSM personnel will be available to provide bill.com registration assistance.

Since these are government funds, what are the reporting requirements?

At a minimum, grant recipients are required to submit a report (within 30-days) once the project has been completed. The number of reports will vary, depending on if it’s a one-time versus an on-going project.

Who do I contact for tech support; what about questions regarding the Project Request and/or the Expense Verification Forms?

For questions concerning the online application portal, please email [email protected] . For all other program related questions, including but not limited to funding and reporting, feel free to connect directly with your Rock County WEESSN representatives; and/or email Chanel Clark ([email protected]) or Kelly Matthews ([email protected]).